Why are ePortfolios beneficial?

ePortfolio Benefits:
Gives you flexibility:
Design on your terms
Easy access to materials through the internet
Ability to manage across semesters, careers, and experiences
Gives you space:
Keep materials in one space or linked to shared spaces
Allow you to reflect and connect what you're learning
Provide multi-modaal options: images, text, video, hyperlinks, etc.
Cultivate new perspectives:
Notice transferrable skills
Get a birds-eye view of your journey
Hyperlink to what you want to share or connect
See below for some different examples of ePortfolios to understand how they can be developed to fit your needs!
View this CourseNetworking ePortfolio example to get some ideas on experiences you might choose to reflect on or engaged learning experiences you are interested in pursuing while at IUPUI.
View this Google Sites ePortfolio created for the Life Health Sciences Internship (LHSI) program. Find great reflective text and great use of artifacts throughout this ePortfolo.
View this personal Google Sites ePortfolio created with the intention of culminating all the important experiences had while in undergrad at IUPUI. You can find reflections, artifacts, and good use of hyperlinks and navigation in this ePortfolio.
View this Wix ePortfolio to see a creative way to showcase yourself professionally. This ePortfolio demonstrates excellent design and artifact usage to professionally present their work.