IU Indianapolis Honors College ePortfolio
ePortfolio development has been shown to be helpful in motivating students to participate more meaningfully (ePortfolio as Curriculum; Yancey, 2019). ePortfolio development is based on self-reflection and can help you see your own growth over time. The ePortfolio components in the Honors ePortfolio will focus on helping you to illustrate visually who you are as an Honors student and reflect on significant learning experiences related to your journey as an Honors scholar.
You will populate your ePortfolio every semester you are an Honors scholar, leading up to your final, required ePortfolio Showcase during your final year as an Honors scholar.
This website will help walk you through creating your ePortfolio when you start in H200 all the way to your final senior ePortfolio showcase in H496. H200 helps you develop your identity as an Honors College student and form connections with your peers, faculty, and staff in the Honors College. All of these honors experiences will go into your required senior honors ePortfolio. This site will provide outlines and prompts to help guide you in your honors ePortfolio journey, as well as helpful tips, tricks, and excellent honors ePortfolio examples woven throughout.